Sáu lý do để đối phó với vấn đề Tịch thu nhà của bạn Hôm nay, không phải ngày mai

Deal with your Foreclosure Today, not Tomorrow

(Six Reasons to Deal with Your Foreclosure Problem Today, not Tomorrow)

Lưu ý: Trợ giúp Tịch thu nhà (Foreclosure Help) là một chương trình được tài trợ bởi các thành phố San Jose và Sunnyvale, California, để hỗ trợ các chủ nhà và người thuê nhà ở hai thành phố.Nếu bạn đang ở bên ngoài của San Jose hoặc Sunnyvale, chúng tôi đề nghị vị tư vấn cơ quan nhà ở gần nhất được HUD chấp thuận trên trang web của HUD đã được HUD chấp thuận Cơ quan Tư vấn nhà ở.

1) Đó là hầu như không thể ngăn chặn một bán ủy thác ở phút cuối cùng: Chúng tôi đã có một số chủ nhà ở San Jose hoặc Sunnyvale đã liên lạc với Trợ giúp Tịch thu nhà (Foreclosure Help) một tuần trước khi bán ủy thác, hoặc thậm chí một ngày hoặc hai ngày trước khi bán ủy thác.  Trong khi chúng tôi sẽ thực hiện mọi nỗ lực để giúp đỡ họ, sự thật không may là các lựa chọn trở nên rất hạn chế nếu bạn càng gần việc bán ủy thác tịch thu nhà.  Ngân hàng / servicer có thể không nhất thiết phải trì hoãn việc bán nếu nó quá gần với ngày bán (bởi vì các chính sách nội bộ của họ), và nếu không có thời gian để có được các tài liệu của bạn và phải nộp và được chấp nhận bởi ngân hàng hoặc servicer.  Trong khi chúng tôi có thể thử và khắc phục một số những trở ngại này, còn xa ít căng thẳng và bạn tăng cơ hội thành công của bạn nếu bạn có thể bắt đầu làm việc với một nhân viên tư vấn nhà ở khi lần đầu tiên có vấn đề với thế chấp của bạn.  Nộp hồ sơ phá sản có thể là một lựa chọn để ngừng bán ủy thác của bạn, nhưng nó tốt hơn nếu bạn đưa ra quyết định khai phá sản bởi vì bạn đã xem xét tất cả các lựa chọn khác của bạn và nó tạo ra có ý nghĩa nhất trong tình hình của bạn.  Khai phá sản cũng cần có thời gian để làm, và nộp hồ sơ một hoặc hai tuần trước khi bán ủy thác của bạn (thay vì cố gắng để làm điều đó vào ngày hôm trước) sẽ cho bạn thời gian cần gặp một luật sư có uy tín, hội đủ tất cả những giấy tờ cần thiết của bạn lại, vv

2) Không để cho “ngân hàng chạy xung quanh sự mệt mỏi” thể là lý do mà bạn để cho đi nhà của bạn. Trong những ngày đầu của cuộc khủng hoảng tịch thu nhà, nhiều chủ nhà tôi nói chuyện với không có ý tưởng nơi nào có thể đến, phải làm gì, hoặc làm thế nào để làm việc với ngân hàng của họ. Bây giờ, vào năm 2013, hầu hết các chủ nhà liên lạc với chương trình của chúng tôi đã cố gắng làm việc với các ngân hàng của họ một lần hoặc hai lần để yêu cầu sửa đổi nợ . Họ có thể đã bị từ chối sửa đổi nợ cho bất cứ lý do, bao gồm:

• Các ngân hàng hoặc servicer nói rằng là hồ sơ không đầy đủ (mặc dù bạn có thể đã gửi cùng một tài liệu cho họ nhiều lần).

• Ngân hàng hoặc servicer nói rằng Giá trị hiện tại (NPV) kiểm tra là phủ định.

• Ngân hàng hoặc servicer đã không đưa ra một lý do.

• Ngân hàng cho biết họ sẽ gọi cho tôi, nhưng họ không, vì vậy tôi cho rằng họ đang làm việc, nhưng hóa ra họ không, và hồ sơ của tôi bị đóng lại.

• Thu nhập của tôi là không đủ khi lần đầu tiên tôi gửi yêu cầu.

Đây là tất cả các khiếu nại cac chủ nhà da trích dẫn khi chúng tôi yêu cầu nếu họ đã cố gắng để sửa đổi các khoản vay của họ trước kia. Đây chính là điều nên làm việc với nhân viên tư vấn nhà ở được HUD chấp thuận có thể là rất quan trọng. Trong khi bạn là người chủ nhà chỉ làm việc trên một thế chấp, một cố vấn nhà ở được chứng nhận đã có khả năng làm việc với hàng trăm chủ nhà trước khi trường hợp của bạn.  Điều này có nghĩa là họ mang lại kinh nghiệm và chuyên môn trong việc hỗ trợ bạn, có thể giúp bạn đưa ra một hồ sơ hoàn chỉnh và chính xác để gửi đến ngân hàng hoặc servicer của bạn, sẽ làm việc với bạn trên ngân sách của bạn để tăng cơ hội sửa đổi nợ , và thường có địa chỉ liên lạc tại ngân hàng hoặc servicers cac chủ nhà thông thường (hay “các công ty chuyên gia chỉnh sửa nợ”) không được tiếp cận.

3. Nếu bạn có thể giữ vững, thị trường đang được cải thiện. Hỏi bất kỳ đại lý bất động sản ở San Jose hoặc Sunnyvale về thị trường ngay bây giờ, và bạn sẽ nghe thấy cách mạnh mẽ cải thiện. Nếu bạn có thể để có được một sửa đổi nợ từ ngân hàng của bạn để bạn có thể tiếp tục thanh toán, sau đó bạn sẽ có thời gian cho vốn chủ sở hữu trong nhà của bạn tăng lên khi thị trường tiếp tục được cải thiện.

4. Sự căng thẳng về Tịch thu nhà không có ãnh hưỡng tốt cho bạn hay gia đình của bạn. Bạn đã có thể nghe nói rằng vấn đề tiền bạc là một trong những áp lực lớn trong hôn nhân. Nó là vô cùng căng thẳng để đối phó với nhà bị tịch thu, thế chấp, và vấn đề tiền bạc, và nó ảnh hưởng đến toàn bộ gia đình. Một phần của sự căng thẳng có thể là do sự không chắc chắn sửa đổi nợ cho bạn cảm thấy không có một cơ hội thực sự sửa đổi nợ và giữ lại nhà của bạn. Bằng cách làm việc với một trong những nhân viên tư vấn nhà ở HUD đã chấp thuận của chúng tôi, bạn sẽ nhận được một sự hiểu biết tốt hơn về các chương trình tồn tại như Hamp, Keep Your Home California, HARP, vv

Thay vì tự hỏi về điều kiện của bạn cho các chương trình này có hoặc không họ có thể giúp bạn cứu lại nhà của bạn, hãy đến gặp nhân viên tư vấn nhà ở, những người nầy sẽ cung cấp cho bạn một đánh giá trực tiếp, không thiên vị về tình hình của bạn. Trong khi chúng tôi không thể đảm bảo một sự sửa đổi nợ cho vay (và chúng tôi muốn khuyên bạn nên bỏ chạy khỏi ai đảm bảo cho bạn một sự sửa đổi cho vay), chúng tôi có thể giúp bạn hiểu được hội đủ điều kiện của quý vị cho các chương trình và làm thế nào để trở thành một ứng cử viên thành công cho một sửa đổi cho vay.

5. Bạn bè của bạn có tốt, nhưng họ không biết những gì họ đang làm: Bạn có thể đã có đề nghị giúp đỡ từ một người bạn một luật sư hoặc một nhân viên bất động sản nghĩ họ có thể giúp bạn. Trong họ có thể có ý định tốt, kết quả cuối cùng thường là xấu . Chúng tôi đã có một số chủ nhà liên lạc với chúng tôi sau khi thất bại về sửa đổi khoản vay bởi một luật sư hay một chuyên gia về sửa đổi khoản vay. Đôi khi, họ đã nhận đựơc tiền cho sửa đổi, đôi khi được thực hiện miễn phí. (Là một mặt lưu ý đó là bất hợp pháp ở California khi một khoản phí trả trước cho một sửa đổi khoản vay).

6. Dịch vụ của chúng tôi đã được trả tiền từ các thành phố San Jose và Sunnyvale thông qua tài trợ: Điều này cũng có nghĩa là chúng tôi không tính phí cho chủ sở hữu nhà cho các dịch vụ của chúng tôi . Điều này cũng có nghĩa là nhân viên tư vấn nhà ở của chúng tôi có thể cung cấp cho bạn một cách trung thực trong quá trình đánh giá tình hình của bạn và họ sẽ không bị thúc đẩy về mặt tài chính để cố gắng và chỉ đạo bạn hướng tới một kết quả.

Hãy gọi cho chúng tôi tại: 408-293-6000, hãy trang web của chúng tôi: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org, hoặc gửi cho chúng tôi email: help@foreclosurehelpscc.org. Bạn càng sớm gọi cho chúng tôi, bạn có nhiều lựa chọn hơn và hữu ích hơn có thể được.

If you are a homeowner living in San Jose or Sunnyvale and are struggling with your mortgage, please contact ForeclosureHelpSCC, a program funded by the City of San Jose and the City of Sunnyvale at (408)-293-6000 or visit our website: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org.   Our HUD-approved counselors can help you evaluate your options, learn more about federal and state programs that may help you with your mortgage issues, and will help you create a plan forward.

Please note: All content included in the ForeclosureHelpSCC blog is provided for information only and should NOT be considered legal or tax advice. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on our hotline: (408)-293-6000, or visit our website: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org or send us an email: help@foreclosurehelpscc.org.

Si usted es dueño de una casa en San José o en Sunnyvale y están luchando con su hipoteca, por favor póngase en contacto con ForeclosureHelpSCC, un programa financiado por la ciudad de San José y la ciudad de Sunnyvale, al (408) -293- 6000, o visite nuestro sitio: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org. Nuestros consejeros aprobados por HUD puede ayudarle a evaluar sus opciones, aprender más acerca de los programas federales y estatales que pueden ayudarle con sus problemas de hipoteca, y le ayudará a crear un plan para seguir.

Por favor, tenga en cuenta: Todos los contenidos incluidos en el blog ForeclosureHelpSCC se proporciona únicamente a título informativo y no debe ser considerada como consejo legal o fiscal. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor no dude en contactarnos a nuestra línea directa: (408) -293-6000, o visite nuestro sitio:www.foreclosurehelpscc.org o envíenos un correo electrónico: help@foreclosurehelpscc.org.

Nếu bạn là một sinh hoạt chủ sở hữu nhà ở San Jose hoặc Sunnyvale và đang đấu tranh với nợ nhà, xin vui lòng liên ForeclosureHelpSCC, một chương trình được tài trợ bởi thành phố San Jose và thành phố của Sunnyvale ở (408) -293-6000 hoặc truy cập trang web của chúng tôi: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org. Nhân viên tư vấn của chúng tôi đã được HUD chấp thuận có thể giúp bạn đánh giá các lựa chọn của bạn, tìm hiểu thêm về các chương trình của liên bang và tiểu bang có thể giúp bạn với các vấn đề thế chấp của bạn, và sẽ giúp bạn tạo ra một kế hoạch phía trước.

Xin lưu ý: Tất cả các nội dung trên Blog ForeclosureHelpSCC được cung cấp thông tin duy nhất và không nên coi là hợp pháp hoặc tư vấn thuế. Nếu bạn có bất cứ câu hỏi , xin vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi qua đường dây nóng: (408) -293-6000, hoặc truy cập vào trang của chúng tôi: http://www.foreclosurehelpscc.org hoặc gửi email cho chúng tôi: help@foreclosurehelpscc.org.

Helpful Resources if You’re Facing Foreclosure By Foreclosure Help SCC

By Sean Coffey, MPA, Program Manager of ForeclosureHelpSCC

As 2012 draws to a close, it’s worth taking a quick snap-shot of the past year.  Pete Carey wrote earlier this week in the San Jose Mercury News about the reduction in foreclosures during the month of November, and we hope that this trend continues.

We also want to highlight a few blog postings written for homeowners by the certified housing counselors who staff the ForeclosureHelpSCC program:

Time Sensitive issues for homeowners:

Independent Foreclosure Review:  The deadline for this program is December 31, 2012.  To learn more about this program (eligible homeowners could receive $500 to $125,000 plus lost equity), visit our earlier blog postings:

California Foreclosure Refund:  Also designed for homeowners who dealt with an improper foreclosure, but this program is limited to the big five banks.  The deadline for this program is January 18, 2013.  For more information, read our blog on it: California Foreclosure Refund Program, Part of the Attorney General Settlement

Keep Your Home California: Unemployment Assistance Program.  Aurora Olivares, one of the housing counselors who staffs the Foreclosure Help program, wrote an excellent overview of this program: “Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program, Part of Keep Your Home California: How Does It Work?”  With recent estimates that 400,000 Californians could lose their unemployment benefits unless Congress extends them, it is particularly important for homeowners who are unemployed to get their applications in NOW while they are still receiving unemployment.  A homeowner WILL NOT qualify for Keep Your Home California Unemployment Assistance program unless they are receiving or are approved for unemployment benefits.

Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act: This has not yet been extended, but we are hopeful that it will be tied into the current negotiations about the fiscal cliff.  For more information about why this is so important, visit: “Foreclosures in San Jose and Sunnyvale: Three Reasons Time is Not on Your Side”

General Resources for Homeowners from our blog this year (A big THANK YOU to the certified housing counselors from Asian Inc, Neighborhood Housing Services of Silicon Valley, Project Sentinel, and SurePath Financial Solutions for writing these posts).

1) Credit Repair, Credit Issues, Rebuilding Your Credit, Pulling Your Credit Report:

2) How to work with your bank when you are seeking a modification:

3. Advantages of Working with a certified housing counselor from a HUD-approved agency:

4) Renting after a foreclosure or short sale:   Help with rental assistance after a foreclosure – What’s out there?

If you are a homeowner living in San Jose or Sunnyvale and are struggling with your mortgage, please contact ForeclosureHelpSCC, a program funded by the City of San Jose and the City of Sunnyvale at (408)-293-6000 or visit our website: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org.   Our HUD-approved counselors can help you evaluate your options, learn more about federal and state programs that may help you with your mortgage issues, and will help you create a plan forward.

Please note: All content included in the ForeclosureHelpSCC blog is provided for information only and should NOT be considered legal or tax advice. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on our hotline: (408)-293-6000, or visit our website: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org or send us an email: help@foreclosurehelpscc.org.

Si usted es dueño de una casa en San José o en Sunnyvale y están luchando con su hipoteca, por favor póngase en contacto con ForeclosureHelpSCC, un programa financiado por la ciudad de San José y la ciudad de Sunnyvale, al (408) -293- 6000, o visite nuestro sitio: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org. Nuestros consejeros aprobados por HUD puede ayudarle a evaluar sus opciones, aprender más acerca de los programas federales y estatales que pueden ayudarle con sus problemas de hipoteca, y le ayudará a crear un plan para seguir.

Por favor, tenga en cuenta: Todos los contenidos incluidos en el blog ForeclosureHelpSCC se proporciona únicamente a título informativo y no debe ser considerada como consejo legal o fiscal. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor no dude en contactarnos a nuestra línea directa: (408) -293-6000, o visite nuestro sitio:www.foreclosurehelpscc.org o envíenos un correo electrónico: help@foreclosurehelpscc.org.

What is a Credit Report and Why is it Important to You?

Why is a credit report important?Editor’s note: If you haven’t applied for the Independent Foreclosure Review yet, there is still time, but the deadline is December 31, 2012.  For more information, visit our blog: Independent Foreclosure Review Deadline is December 31, 2012. Learn How to Apply Here.  Spanish: La fecha límite para La Revisión Independiente de la Ejecución Hipotecaria es el 31 de diciembre 2012. Aprender a aplicar aquí!  Or visit the website: www.independentforeclosurereview.com, or call the program: 1-888-952-9105

By JoAnn Parrott, Housing Counselor at Project Sentinel, one of the members of ForeclosureHelpSCC.

A credit report is more than a collection of financial information and statistics. A credit report displays and represents your financial picture.   A credit report is an accounting of how you have handled your past finances and debt and is a gauge of how you will continue to do so in the future. The credit report determines if you are credit worthy or may be a credit risk to those who offer credit (also known as creditors).  The credit report helps creditors decide who gets credit or who does not.

If you have been financially responsible in the past and have good credit, you probably don’t think twice about credit.  It is just there for you whenever needed.    However, if you have no credit or poor credit, managing your daily financial life may be difficult.


If you have never applied for personal credit, you probably don’t have a credit report history.  But, if you have applied for and used credit in the past, a basic credit report consists of your name, current and recent addresses, Social Security Number, date of birth and current and previous employers.  The report also displays each credit account registered in your name,  the date the account was opened, the credit limit on a credit card or loan, the payment terms, the balance owed, the monthly payment amount, and a record of your payment history (i.e., how many times you paid on time or were late).  This information is contained in your credit report even if you personally have not applied for credit but have agreed to be a co-signer or authorized user on someone else’s credit account.

TIP:   If you are a co-signer on a credit card or loan account, you are responsible for the debt if the other party fails to keep the monthly payments current.  If you are an authorized user, you are not responsible for the monthly payments or the balance due if the account is not kept current.  So, be VERY careful about agreeing to be a co-signer on an application for credit.

A credit report also lists each time you have applied for credit – these are known as ‘inquiries.’  By viewing the ‘inquiries’, creditors can determine if you have applied for too much credit or have been recently approved for additional credit. If the number of applications or approvals is too high, creditors may deny you if it appears you are trying to acquire too much credit too quickly.

TIP:  This can happen to new homeowners or young adults when they want to decorate a new home or apartment.  If you apply for and are denied credit, this may have a negative impact on your credit report and credit score.


Information NOT contained in a credit report consists of checking and saving account balances, bankruptcies that are more than 10 years old, charged-off debts or debts placed for collection that are more than seven years old, gender, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, medical history or criminal records.  Judgments generally remain on a credit report for 7 years from the date filed, whether the debt was paid or not.  If paid, the judgment entry changes from UNSATISFIED to SATISFIED but still remains for the required length of time.  Unpaid tax liens remain indefinitely.


In the everyday world of credit, there are two types of credit cards and loans – Secured and Unsecured.

SECURED CREDIT CARD If you have poor credit or no credit and know you will have a need, you may want to apply for a secured credit card.   A secured credit card is an account in which you deposit your own money (generally a minimum amount) to be used for future credit transactions.   A secured credit card gives you the ability to use the money (up to a certain amount) as a credit card – i.e. charge movie tickets or order a pizza – until you can apply for a less restrictive unsecured credit card.  Most secured credit cards do not allow the total amount of money deposited into the account to be consumed by charge transactions.

The creditor retains a portion of the money as a ‘cushion’ to cover unexpected events, such as non-payment.  If your charges exceed the allowed amount, there can be substantial fees and penalties applied.  If you don’t keep the account in good standing, the creditor can deny future credit transactions you attempt to do.  Not a happy thought if you want to treat a friend to lunch and your card is denied!  In some cases, if the past due amount becomes too high; the account may be closed or suspended.  The account will continue to accrue interest charges, fees and may even be subject to collection action.  Most secured credit cards also carry annual expense fees.

TIP:   Secured credit cards physically look the same as unsecured credit cards.  There is no way of telling that your card is a secured card.  After a period of time if you have established a positive payment history and adhered to the secured credit card terms, you may apply for an unsecured credit card or loan.  There is no specific time period to do this.  Just be cautious about applying for too many cards.

SECURED CREDIT LOAN: This type of loan is used for high dollar purchases that cannot be paid in full each month – i.e. the purchase of a car or house.  This type of loan is for a specific dollar amount and time period.  If the loan payments are not kept current, the owner of the loan can repossess or take back the item – i.e. the car.  In this case, the car is security for the debt.   Generally without exception, a mortgage loan is secured by the property.  If the mortgage payments are not made, the mortgage holder will take the property in a foreclosure sale.

UNSECURED CREDIT CARD:   An unsecured credit card is a line of credit that is available to you with no restrictions (up to the credit limit), as long as the account is in good standing.   For example, if you charge the purchase of clothing on your unsecured credit card and you don’t pay the full or minimum amount by the Due Date,  the creditor will not repossess or take back the clothes.  However, the account could still be assessed fees and penalties and may be closed or suspended if the matter is not resolved.  Any past due payments will be recorded on your credit report.

UNSECURED CREDIT LOAN:    This type of loan can be for any amount and time period, but is generally not a standard product offered by creditors for large loan amounts.   Creditors want their loans secured by an item of value if there is a default on the account.  The best use of this loan type would be for personal loans among family members or friends where, if payments are not made, no property is attached to the loan and therefore there is no repossession.

TIP:  For most secure and unsecured credit card accounts, it is recommended that the full amount charged be paid in full each month to avoid interest charges and to assist in building a good credit history.  Keeping  any loan in good standing is a good idea.


On November 22, 2003, through the Fair and Accurate Transaction (FACT) Act, consumers were given the right to obtain a free copy of their credit report every 12 months from each of the 3 major credit bureaus.  These credit bureaus collect and analyze credit transactions for their clients (AKA creditors) i.e., banks, credit unions, and retail establishments for example.    The 3 major bureaus are:  Experian (www.experian.com, 1-888-397-3742), TransUnion (www.transunion.com, 1-800-916-8800), and Equifax (www.equifax.com, 1-800-685-1111).

To obtain a copy of your credit report or reports, you can contact the credit bureaus directly, visit their websites, or use the website:  www.annualcreditreport.com .  This website provides access to each credit bureau report.  A consumer can apply online for a single report or for all 3 reports at the same time.  There are companies who will help you track the contact and accuracy of your credit report for a fee.

TIP:  It is recommended that a consumer stagger their credit report requests every 4 months between each bureau.  In most cases, the same credit information is on each bureau’s report, but sometimes in a slightly different format.  By staggering the reports, a consumer can track activity over the time period as well as the contact of each report.

TIP:  Each time YOU look at your own credit report, there is no ‘inquiry’ activity recorded. However, each time you apply for credit through a third party, there is an ‘inquiry’ recorded.  So, if you apply for too much credit, the next third party you apply to will see the ‘inquiry’ activity and possibly may deny the application for credit due to excessive applications.  Also, there is a chance that the volume of applications may affect your FICO score.  BE CREDIT SMART!


Attached to each report is a credit score known as a FICO (Fair Issac Corporation) score.  The FICO score can range from 300 to 850, but the majority of scores usually fall within the 600s and 700s.  Your goal is to have the highest number possible based on your use of credit and the history contained in your credit report.  Each one of the credit bureaus has their own FICO score criteria.  A FICO score may differ between the 3 credit bureaus because not all creditors submit to each bureau.

A FICO score is a combination of many credit associated items.  Based on the type of credit, a FICO score is made up of the following percentages:

  • 35% for history;
  • 15% for length of credit;
  • 10% for newly acquired credit;
  • 10% for types of credit; and
  • 30% for amount of debt owned on credit cards and loans.   A few examples of what can lower a FICO score are:  late payments, too high of credit used against credit limit, past due payments, too many credit cards, judgments, collections, or too many applications for credit.

It is possible to obtain your FICO score by contacting each credit bureau for their process or at the www.annualcreditreportcom website, but there is a fee.  However, if you pay a credit reporting and tracking agency, you may be able to obtain the FICO score free of charge.

If you discover errors within your credit report, you should contact the providing bureau directly.  If they don’t correct the errors, you can contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) at 1-855-411-2372 or TTY/TDD 1-855-729-2372 and/or file a complaint with the CFPB at  http://www.consumerfinance.gov/blog/headline-now-accepting-credit-reporting-complaints/ ; or send a letter to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, P. O. Box 4503, Iowa City, Iowa 52244.

If you are a homeowner living in San Jose or Sunnyvale and are struggling with your mortgage, please contact ForeclosureHelpSCC, a program funded by the City of San Jose and the City of Sunnyvale at (408)-293-6000 or visit our website: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org.   Our HUD-approved counselors can help you evaluate your options, learn more about federal and state programs that may help you with your mortgage issues, and will help you create a plan forward.

Please note: All content included in the ForeclosureHelpSCC blog is provided for information only and should NOT be considered legal or tax advice. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on our hotline: (408)-293-6000, or visit our website: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org or send us an email: help@foreclosurehelpscc.org.

Si usted es dueño de una casa en San José o en Sunnyvale y están luchando con su hipoteca, por favor póngase en contacto con ForeclosureHelpSCC, un programa financiado por la ciudad de San José y la ciudad de Sunnyvale, al (408) -293- 6000, o visite nuestro sitio: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org. Nuestros consejeros aprobados por HUD puede ayudarle a evaluar sus opciones, aprender más acerca de los programas federales y estatales que pueden ayudarle con sus problemas de hipoteca, y le ayudará a crear un plan para seguir.

Por favor, tenga en cuenta: Todos los contenidos incluidos en el blog ForeclosureHelpSCC se proporciona únicamente a título informativo y no debe ser considerada como consejo legal o fiscal. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor no dude en contactarnos a nuestra línea directa: (408) -293-6000, o visite nuestro sitio: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org o envíenos un correo electrónico: help@foreclosurehelpscc.org.

How Can the Consumer Financial Projection Bureau Assist You With Credit Reporting Issues? Our Blog Explains How.

Consumer Financial Protection BureauBy JoAnn Parrott, Housing Counselor at Project Sentinel, one of the members of ForeclosureHelpSCC.


In July 2010, Congress passed and President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.  Part of this Act created the CFPB which consolidates most Federal consumer financial protection authority into one place.  The services of the CFPG became effective on October 22, 2012.  The goal of the CFPB is:  watch out for American consumers in the market for consumer financial products and services.


The CFPB can help with:

  1. Consumer reporting agency’s investigations,
  2. Incorrect credit report information,
  3. Improper use of a credit report,
  4. Assistance to get a copy of a credit score or report, and
  5. Problems with credit monitoring or identify protection services.


This step is covered under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).  If you are experiencing any problems with your credit report, you should first of all send a letter to the credit bureau in question stating the complaint or error that needs to be addressed or resolved.  You must include copies of supporting documents as well as your complete name and address, and your letter should clearly identify each item in dispute.  You must request that the information be removed or corrected.  Send the letter by certified mail, ‘return receipt requested,’ so you can document that the credit bureau received the letter.

TIP:  Include a copy of the credit report with the error highlighted or circled and keep a copy of the letter and supporting documents.

If the credit bureau deems your complaint as legitimate, they have 30 days to investigate.  They must also forward the information you provide about the inaccuracy to the organization that provided the information.  The information provider must investigate, review the relevant information, and report the results back to the credit bureau.  If the information provider finds the disputed information is inaccurate, it must notify all the credit bureaus so they can correct the information they have in your file.

When the investigation is complete, the credit bureau must give you the results in writing and a free copy of your report if the dispute results in a change to your credit report.  This free credit report does not count as your annual free report.  If an item is changed or deleted, the credit bureau cannot put the disputed information back in your file unless the information provider verifies it is accurate and complete.  The credit bureau also must send you written notice that includes the name, address, and phone number of the information provider.

If you wish, you can request that the credit bureau send notices of any corrections to anyone who received your credit report in the past six months.  You can have a corrected copy of your report sent to anyone who received a copy during the past two years for employment purposes.

If the investigation doesn’t resolve your dispute or problem, you can ask that a statement of the dispute be included in your file and in future reports.  You also can ask the credit bureau to provide your statement to anyone who received a copy of your report in the recent past.  You can expect to pay a fee for this service.

A credit bureau can report negative but correct information for seven years and bankruptcy information for 10 years.  There is no time limit for reporting criminal conviction; information reported in response to your application for a job that pays more than $75,000 a year; and information reported because you’ve applied for more than $150,000 worth of credit or life insurance.  In general the seven-year reporting period runs from the date that the event took place.


If the problem is not resolved, you can:

  1. Contact the CFPB at 1-855-411-2372 or TTY/TDD 1-855-729-2372;
  2. File a complaint with the CFPB at  http://www.consumerfinance.gov/blog/headline-now-accepting-credit-reporting-complaints/ ;
  3. Send a letter to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, P. O. Box 4503, Iowa City, Iowa 52244.

You may also enjoy reading our previous blog post, “Rebuilding Credit After a Short Sale”  en español:  “Mejorando El Credito Despues De Una Ejecución De Hipoteca O Venta Corta”

If you are a homeowner living in San Jose or Sunnyvale and are struggling with your mortgage, please contact ForeclosureHelpSCC, a program funded by the City of San Jose and the City of Sunnyvale at (408)-293-6000 or visit our website: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org.  Our HUD-approved counselors can help you evaluate your options, learn more about federal and state programs that may help you with your mortgage issues, and will help you create a plan forward.

Please note: All content included in the ForeclosureHelpSCC blog is provided for information only and should NOT be considered legal or tax advice. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on our hotline: (408)-293-6000, or visit our website: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org or send us an email: help@foreclosurehelpscc.org.

Si usted es dueño de una casa en San José o en Sunnyvale y están luchando con su hipoteca, por favor póngase en contacto con ForeclosureHelpSCC, un programa financiado por la ciudad de San José y la ciudad de Sunnyvale, al (408) -293- 6000, o visite nuestro sitio: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org. Nuestros consejeros aprobados por HUD puede ayudarle a evaluar sus opciones, aprender más acerca de los programas federales y estatales que pueden ayudarle con sus problemas de hipoteca, y le ayudará a crear un plan para seguir.

Por favor, tenga en cuenta: Todos los contenidos incluidos en el blog ForeclosureHelpSCC se proporciona únicamente a título informativo y no debe ser considerada como consejo legal o fiscal. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor no dude en contactarnos a nuestra línea directa: (408) -293 -6000, o visite nuestro sitio: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org o envíenos un correo electrónico: help@foreclosurehelpscc.org.

Lee nuestros otros blogs en ​​español:

¿Por Qué Trabajar Con Un Consejero de Casa?

5 Programas importante para los propietarios de California

Mejorando El Credito Despues De Una Ejecución De Hipoteca O Venta Corta

Mejorando Credit

By Aurora Olivares, Housing Counselor at Project Sentinel, one of the members of ForeclosureHelpSCC

Construir y mantener el crédito esta frecuente en las mentes de los dueños de casa aquí en San José y Sunnyvale. No es ningún secreto que su crédito recibe un golpe duro durante y después de una ejecución hipotecaria o venta corta. Cuando uno esta más de 30 días de atraso en su hipoteca, se reporta en su informe de crédito y su puntuación de crédito es afectado negativamente. Para obtener más información acerca de cómo una ejecución de hipoteca una ejecución de hipoteca, una venta corta sin una deficiencia, una venta corta con una deficiencia, y la bancarrota impactan a tres propietarios de viviendas típicos, lea las entrada de blog de FICO (Banking Analytics): “La investigación analiza cómo afecta la morosidad hipotecaria cuentas”

Los dueños de casa que no pueden pagar su hipoteca o conseguir un entrenamiento con sus prestamistas, pueden caer más atrasados ​​en sus pagos, y su reporte de crédito empeorará. El crédito del propietario de vivienda va ser afectado por todo este tiempo hasta que la delincuencia se resuelva.

Hay que avanzar rápidamente. ¿Qué sucede después de que alguien pasa por el proceso de ejecución hipotecaria?

Los procedimientos de la ejecución hipotecaria son reportados a la oficina de crédito por el prestamista y se anotará en su reporte de crédito durante los próximos 7 a 10 años. Sin embargo, esto no quiere decir que no se puede reconstruir su crédito después de una ejecución hipotecaria o venta corta y convertirse en propietario de una casa de nuevo.

Aquí hay 5 consejos sobre cómo reconstruir su crédito para que pueda prepararse si usted decide comprar una casa en el futuro o que solicitar otro tipo de crédito después de pasar por el proceso de ejecución hipotecaria.

1. Paga sus deudas a tiempo. Pagando la cantidad mínima mensualmente a tiempo se reflejará positivamente en su informe de crédito.

2. Mantenga bajos los balances de sus tarjetas de crédito. Si usted tiene una tarjeta de crédito con un saldo revolvente, trate de mantener el balance de la cuenta a 30% o menos del límite de crédito total de dicha cuenta. Por ejemplo, si su límite de crédito es de $ 10,000, usted debe tratar de mantener el balance de esa cuenta por debajo de $ 3,000.

3. Pague más que el pago mínimo mensual. Con sólo pagar $1 más por mes que el pago mínimo requerido, se registrará de manera positiva en su puntaje de crédito. No importa la cantidad, podría ser de $ 1 o $100 más de la cantidad mínima que se requiere pagas. Utilice este método para maximizar su capacidad para pagar la deuda más rápido y comenzar a reconstruir su crédito.

4. Mantenga abiertas sus cuentas antiguas de crédito. La longevidad de una cuenta tiene mucha importancia en como se calcula el puntaje de crédito. Los prestamistas les gusta ver que usted tiene un historial de uso de crédito y la capacidad de pagar sus facturas. Por lo tanto, si se cierra una cuenta antigua, que va a impactar negativamente su puntaje de crédito. Si es necesario cerrar las cuentas de crédito, considere la eliminación de nuevas cuentas en primer lugar.

5. Evite las esquemas de soluciones rápidas. Prometiendo la habilidad de arreglar su crédito en menos de 90 días quizás no pueden ser los medios más confiables. Si suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad, probablemente lo es. Si usted decide buscar ayuda profesional para ayudarle a resolver sus problemas de crédito, asegúrese de que es una organización de buena reputación. Una forma rápida de investigar si una organización está ofreciendo asistencia legítimo de asesoría de crédito es para ver si pertenecen a la Fundación Nacional de Consejería de Crédito, una organización sin fines de lucro, que tiene miembros de sus organismos miembros a un alto nivel. Visite su sitio: www.nfcc.org para obtener más información o para encontrar una agencia de asesoría de crédito cerca de usted.

En conclusión, la reconstrucción de su puntuación de crédito después de una ejecución hipotecaria o venta corta tomará tiempo y dedicación .  No hay “solución rápida” para reparar su crédito.

Si no lo ha hecho, es posible que quedra obtener su reporte de crédito gratis. Y un recordatorio de la Comisión Federal de Comercio: AnnualCreditReport.com es la única fuente autorizada para el reporte de crédito anual gratuito que por ley. La Ley de Informe Justo de Crédito garantiza el acceso a su reporte de crédito gratis de cada una de las tres compañías de informes de crédito – Experian, Equifax y TransUnion – cada 12 meses.

Lee nuestros otros blogs en ​​español:

¿Por Qué Trabajar Con Un Consejero de Casa?

5 Programas importante para los propietarios de California

Si usted es dueño de una casa en San José o en Sunnyvale y están luchando con su hipoteca, por favor póngase en contacto con ForeclosureHelpSCC, un programa financiado por la ciudad de San José y la ciudad de Sunnyvale, al (408) -293 a 6000, o visite nuestro sitio: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org. Nuestros consejeros aprobados por HUD puede ayudarle a evaluar sus opciones, aprender más acerca de los programas federales y estatales que pueden ayudarle con sus problemas de hipoteca, y le ayudará a crear un plan para seguir.

Por favor, tenga en cuenta: Todos los contenidos incluidos en el blog ForeclosureHelpSCC se proporciona únicamente a título informativo y no debe ser considerada como consejo legal o fiscal. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor no dude en contactarnos a nuestra línea directa: (408) -293 a 6000, o visite nuestro sitio: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org o envíenos un correo electrónico: help@foreclosurehelpscc.org.

Refinance vs. Modification: What are the differences?

By Yvonne Castillo, Housing Counselor at SurePath Financial Solutions, one of the members of ForeclosureHelpSCC

With the housing crisis all around us in San Jose, Sunnyvale, and other cities in Santa Clara County, we hear some buzz words over and over, words such as foreclosure, modification, refinance and short sale. As a HUD-approved housing counseling agency, we often hear questions about the differences between modification and refinance, and which one is the best one to choose. The information below explains some of the main differences between these two options.

What is a refinance?  A refinance is a new loan that you take out to pay off your old loan. A traditional refinance will require you to have equity on the property (up to 20%) to request a new loan.

Reasons why people refinance:  There are many reasons you may want to refinance your existing mortgage. For example, you may do it to lower your payments or interest rate. Or, to consolidate your 1st and 2nd mortgages, to extend or shorten the length of your mortgage, to change lenders, or to add or remove someone from your existing mortgage.

What happens when you refinance?  It is similar to the process of when you received your original mortgage. Because this is a new loan, you will receive a new loan number and your new loan may have different terms than your old loan.

Before you contact a lender to consider refinancing you should order your credit reports from Experian, Equifax and TransUnion (consider using Annual Credit Report to get an idea of the information included in your credit report). Generally speaking, the higher the credit rating you have, the better an interest rate you can qualify for, and the more money you will save. You will also need to show sufficient income to afford the new payments as well as your household expenses.

Unemployment and temporary disability benefits are considered temporary forms of income. Therefore, they are not acceptable forms of income when refinancing. You should also be current on your mortgage, car and credit card payments for approximately the past twelve months when considering refinancing as an option to remain in your home.

What costs are involved in a refinance? When refinancing there can be origination, processing and closing costs. Some lenders may waive some of these fees by including them into the loan balance. Check with your lender about any up-front or financed cost involved.

What if I do not have equity in my property? If your property is worth less than what you owe and your loan is owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, you may want to learn more about the Home Affordable Refinance Program, also known as HARP. This is one of the federal programs to assist homeowners to refinance their loans even if they don’t meet the equity criteria. You can learn more about the program on the Making Home Affordable website.

What is a loan modification? It is a temporary or permanent change of the terms of the current mortgage agreement that is usually requested to make the mortgage payments more affordable.

What is the main reason why people request a loan modification? The main reason to consider a loan modification is to have more affordable mortgage payments and remain in your home, especially if you do not qualify to refinance your mortgage. You have to be experiencing a financial hardship which has made it difficult to make your current mortgage payments or missed one or more of your mortgage payments. It’s important to note that banks and servicers do not consider it a financial hardship if your only reason to modify your loan is because you owe more on your mortgage balance than the home is currently worth (also known as being “upside down”).

What terms can be changed in a modification? When receiving a loan modification you will keep your current loan number but some of the terms on your mortgage will be modified. This could include lowering your interest rate, or modifying an adjustable rate mortgage (where the interest rate varies) to a fixed rate mortgage where your mortgage payments and rate will remain fixed for the life of the loan. In some modifications, the interest rate is lowered for a few years (for example, a modification under HAMP can go as low as two percent), and then gradually increases over the course of a few years.

Will my payments be lower with a loan modification? For many households the loan modification has allowed them to reduce their mortgage payments and bring their loan current. However, it is important to note that if your current loan is an interest only loan, then changing it to a fully amortizing loan (where you are paying interest and principal) could result in an increase of your mortgage payment. However, banks and servicers can address this issue by lowering the interest rate, or lengthening the life of the loan (for example from 30 to 40 years).

In some limited cases, a loan modification may reduce or defer the balance owed. The homeowner may have a wish list of how they want their bank or servicer to modify their loan, but ultimately it is up to the bank or servicer (and sometimes the investor(s) who own the mortgage) whether or not they will modify the loan, and if so, how the terms will be adjusted.

Are there costs involved with a loan modification? Generally, there is no origination, processing and closing costs included when doing a loan modification. However some lenders will charge a small loan modification fee that is added to the balance of your loan and disclosed in the loan modification documents.

What information will be reviewed in a loan modification? Your bank or servicer will require a complete financial disclosure to evaluate the possibility of granting a loan modification. Information regarding your household income and expenses, amount of debt, proof of income, reason of the financial hardship, debt to income ratio etc, will be required to evaluate your modification request. If you have stopped making your mortgage payments, your bank or servicer will review if the non-payment is a result of the financial hardship. The bank will also want to see that there is a sustainable action plan going forward that will allow you to have sufficient income to continue paying your modified mortgage.

If you are a homeowner living in San Jose or Sunnyvale and want to know if either of these options will be applicable to your case please contact ForeclosureHelpSCC, a program funded by the City of San Jose and the City of Sunnyvale at (408)-293-6000 or visit our website www.foreclosurehelpscc.org. HUD approved counselors are available to provide free counseling sessions that will help you review your finances and evaluate the options for you.

Please note: All content included in the ForeclosureHelpSCC blog is provided for information only and should NOT be considered legal or tax advice. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on our hotline: (408)-293-6000, or visit our website: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org

New Mortgage Servicing Rules Proposed- What Does it Mean for You?

By Sean Coffey, Program Manager of ForeclosureHelpSCC

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced on August 10th proposed rules with the goal of improving customer service for homeowners when they interact with their loan servicers.  Today we’ll look at the first half of the rules.

Mortgage loan servicers are the people that “service” your mortgage by collecting your monthly mortgage payment.  In many cases, the servicer doesn’t actually own the mortgage. Instead, the servicer’s job is to collect your payment, take a small cut for themselves, and then send the rest of your payment to the investors that own your mortgage.   (The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has a diagram of this arrangement: Securitization Diagram.) However, some banks did keep mortgage loans after they made them, and continue to service the mortgages.

Homeowners have no authority over who services their loan, and the servicing of their loan could be transferred to multiple different companies over the course of the loan.  Homeowners can’t “shop around” if they have a servicer that provides poor customer service, and some experts have suggested that this arrangement may lead to servicers providing poor customer service without any consequences.

The new mortgage servicing rules, announced on August 10 by Richard Cordray, the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, would address poor customer service that some homeowners have experienced from their servicers.

The new rules would require servicers to:

  • Mail clear monthly mortgage statements with clear information about the principal, interest, any fees being charged, escrow, and the amount and due date of the next payment.
  • Warn customers earlier if an interest rate on an adjustable rate mortgage is going to adjust.
  • Inform customers about the consequences of not having property insurance, and alternatives to “force-placed” insurance (this is insurance that a servicer buys for the consumer if they haven’t bought it themselves, in many cases, it costs more than regular property insurance).
  • Reach out to homeowners and inform them of options to avoid foreclosure.

In our next post, we’ll look at the second half of the CFPB’s proposal.

Do you have any rules that you think loan servicers should have to follow when collecting your mortgage payments?

Please note: All content included in the ForeclosureHelpSCC blog is provided for information only and should NOT be considered legal or tax advice.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on our hotline: (408)-293-6000, or visit our website: www.foreclosurehelpscc.org